import glob, os, sys from molSimplify.Informatics.autocorrelation import generate_full_complex_autocorrelations from molSimplify.Classes.mol3D import mol3D class quickrun: def __init__(self,name,mol,prop): = name self.mol = mol ## descriptors self.set_desc = False self.descriptors = list() self.descriptor_names = list() self.prop = prop def get_descriptor_vector(self,loud=False,name=False): results_dictionary = generate_full_complex_autocorrelations(self.mol,depth=3,loud=loud) self.append_descriptors(results_dictionary['colnames'],results_dictionary['results'],'f','all') self.set_desc = True def append_descriptors(self,list_of_names,list_of_props,prefix,suffix): for names in list_of_names: if hasattr(names, '__iter__'): names = ["-".join([prefix,str(i),suffix]) for i in names] self.descriptor_names += names else: names = "-".join([prefix,str(names),suffix]) self.descriptor_names.append(names) for values in list_of_props: if hasattr(values, '__iter__'): self.descriptors.extend(values) else: self.descriptors.append(values) def write_data_csv(list_of_runs): with open('QM9_descriptor_file.csv','w') as f: f.write('runs, '+",".join(prop_strings)+',') n_cols = len(list_of_runs[0].descriptor_names) for i,names in enumerate(list_of_runs[0].descriptor_names): if i<(n_cols-1): f.write(names+',') else: f.write(names+'\n') for runs in list_of_runs: try: f.write( for properties in runs.prop: f.write(','+str(properties)) for properties in runs.descriptors: f.write(','+str(properties)) f.write('\n') except: pass def write_smiles_csv(smi_dict): with open('QM9_smiles.csv','w') as f: for name in smi_dict.keys(): try: f.write(str(name)) f.write(',') f.write(str(smi_dict[name])) f.write('\n') except: pass atom_u0_dict = dict() with open('atomref.txt','r') as f: ll = f.readlines() for i,l in enumerate(ll): if (i>4) & (i<10): ls = l.split() atom = ls[0] u0 = float(ls[2]) atom_u0_dict.update({atom:u0}) print('found reference data') # check and create new folder if not os.path.isdir('qm9_geos/'): os.makedirs('qm9_geos') # begin parsing print('starting loop over data, please be patient...') target_paths=sorted(glob.glob('qm9_data/*.xyz')) print('found ' + str(len(target_paths)) + ' molecules to read') count = 0 max_size = 0 list_of_runs = list() smi_dict = dict() for geos in target_paths: count += 1 ll = os.path.basename(geos) ll = ll.strip('.xyz') name = ll.split("_")[1] new_geo = 'qm9_geos/'+name+'.xyz' with open(geos,'r') as oldf: this_correction = 0 with open(new_geo,'w') as newf: natoms = False for i,lines in enumerate(oldf.readlines()): if ("*^" in lines): # repalce exp with E # to aid parsing lines = lines.replace('*^','E') if (i==0): natoms = int(lines.strip('\n')) if (i < (natoms +2)) and not (i==1): # this corresponds to geo part of file newf.write(lines) # write to proper xyz if (i>1): # the first line is the number of atoms this_atom = lines.split()[0] # first character is atom symbol this_correction += -1*float(atom_u0_dict[this_atom]) # fetch the correction if (i==1): # properties line props=lines.strip('\n') props=props.split('\t') newf.write("# name "+name+'\n') # print('prop is ' + str(props[11])) u0 = float(props[11]) if i == (natoms +3): # SMILEs string smi = (lines.strip('\n')) smi=smi.split()[0] smi_dict.update({name:smi}) # record the SMILEs` u0 += this_correction # update the atomization energy prop_strings = ['u0'] prop = [u0] # print(prop_strings,'propstring') this_mol = mol3D() # mol3D instance this_mol.readfromxyz(new_geo) # read geo this_run = quickrun(name,this_mol,prop) # create run object this_run.get_descriptor_vector() # get the descriptor list_of_runs.append(this_run) # record this run sys.stdout.write('\r number of molecules read = '+str(count) + "/"+str(len(target_paths))) sys.stdout.flush() write_data_csv(list_of_runs) write_smiles_csv(smi_dict) print(' complete!')