from math import sqrt from variables import alphalist from variables import hubbylist from variables import molname from variables import charge from variables import spin import re count=0 def linreg(X, Y): """ Summary Linear regression of y = ax + b Usage real, real, real = linreg(list, list) Returns coefficients to the regression line "y=ax+b" from x[] and y[], and R^2 Value """ if len(X) != len(Y): raise ValueError, 'unequal length' N = len(X) Sx = Sy = Sxx = Syy = Sxy = 0.0 for x, y in map(None, X, Y): Sx = Sx + x Sy = Sy + y Sxx = Sxx + x*x Syy = Syy + y*y Sxy = Sxy + x*y det = Sxx * N - Sx * Sx a, b = (Sxy * N - Sy * Sx)/det, (Sxx * Sy - Sx * Sxy)/det meanerror = residual = 0.0 for x, y in map(None, X, Y): meanerror = meanerror + (y - Sy/N)**2 residual = residual + (y - a * x - b)**2 RR = 1 - residual/meanerror ss = residual / (N-2) Var_a, Var_b = ss * N / det, ss * Sxx / det return a, b, RR if __name__=='__main__': bareresp=alphalist[1:1000] convresp=alphalist[1:1000] xtraresp=alphalist[1:1000] alphalist2=alphalist[1:1000] hubbylist2=alphalist[1:1000] for lines in range(0,len(alphalist)-1): bareresp[lines]=0.0 convresp[lines]=0.0 xtraresp[lines]=0.0 alphalist2[lines]=float(alphalist[lines+1]) hubbylist2[lines]=0.0 hubbylist2.append(0.0) results=open('ucalc.dat','w') results.write('#U_in U_out Chi_0 Chi_f\n') if (len(hubbylist) > 1): uinl=hubbylist[0:1000] uoutl=hubbylist[0:1000] for line4 in range(0,len(hubbylist)): if ( 'D' in hubbylist[line4]): hubbylist2[line4]=hubbylist[line4].split('D')[0]+'E'+hubbylist[line4].split('D')[1] else: hubbylist2[line4]=hubbylist[line4] count3=-1 for hubby in hubbylist: count2=-1 count=0 count3+=1 for alpha in alphalist[1:1000]: count2+=1 pre=molname+'.c'+str(charge)+'.s'+str(spin+1)+'.u'+str(hubby) file=pre+'.a'+alpha+'.out' output=open(file,'r').readlines() count=0 for lines in range(0,len(output)):'nsum',output[lines]) if match is not None: if count==1: bareresp[count2]=float(output[lines].split()[2]) if count==0: xtraresp[count2]=float(output[lines].split()[2]) if count>=2: convresp[count2]=float(output[lines].split()[2]) count+=1 #Slope Y-Int R2 chi0=linreg(alphalist2,bareresp)[0] chif=linreg(alphalist2,convresp)[0] uout=1/chi0-1/chif if (len(hubbylist) >1): uoutl[count3]=uout uinl[count3]=float(hubbylist2[count3]) results.write('%s %f %f %f\n' %(hubby,uout,chi0,chif)) results.close() # This part calculates self-consistent U from extrapolation automatically for more than 1 value of U in count4=-1 if (len(hubbylist) > 1): results2=open('uscfcalc.dat','w') results2.write('# Ustart Uend Num.Pts. Uscf R2\n') for line5 in range(0,len(hubbylist)-2): count4+=1 results2.write('%f %f %f %f %f\n' %(uinl[count4],uinl[-1],len(uinl[count4:1000]),linreg(uinl[count4:1000],uoutl[count4:1000])[1],linreg(uinl[count4:1000],uoutl[count4:1000])[2])) results2.close()