Welcome to Daniel Mukasa, a School of Engineering Engineering Excellence Postdoctoral Fellow who will be jointly advised with the Traveso lab in Mechanical Engineering.
Farewell to Matt Rivera (PD ‘22-24) who will start a new position as chief technical officer at First Light Solutions, Inc.
Congratulations to David on the acceptance of his collaborative paper with the Zhang Lab on enzymatic azide synthesis in Nature Chemistry! Check out more here!
Welcome to Égil Sá, who joins us from UFPI in Brazil on a Fulbright-funded sabbatical stay.
Daniel, David, Matt, and Heather presented at the ACS Meeting in Denver, and David received the ACS COMP CCG Graduate Excellence Award!
The group officially receives its first NIH funding in the form of a MIRA award focused on non-heme iron enzyme catalysis for C–H activation.
Heather has been named a Löwdin lecturer for 2023 (awarded in 2024) at Uppsala University and a Sydney Ross Lecturer at RPI.
Congratulations to Daniel Chu on being selected for the ACS CATL-ChemCatBio Graduate Student Travel Award!
Congratulations to Clorice (and Melissa) on the acceptance of their paper on screening TMCs for nanocage encapsulation in Inorganic Chemistry! Check out more here!
Heather has been named the Lammot du Pont Professor in Chemical Engineering.