Changhwan Oh

Changhwan Oh

Graduate Student

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Changhwan joined the Kulik group in June 2022 as a PhD student. He is originally from South Korea where he received his B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering from Seoul National University. He received M.S. at MIT with Prof. Rodrigo Freitas. His current research focuses on water and electrolyte solutions in confinement.

  • Computational chemistry
  • Materials design
  • Metal-organic framework
  • MS in Materials Science and Engineering, 2022

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • BS in Materials Science and Engineering, 2020

    Seoul National University


  1. Defect-Engineered Metal–Organic Frameworks as Bioinspired Heterogeneous Catalysts for Amide Bond Formation (2024)
  2. MOFs with the Stability for Practical Gas Adsorption Applications Require New Design Rules (2024)
  3. A Database of Ultrastable MOFs Reassembled from Stable Fragments with Machine Learning Models (2023)
  4. Effects of MOF Linker Rotation and Functionalization on Methane Uptake and Diffusion (2023)